A Glimpse
"Listening is active participation" is one of my favorite sayings. I often felt unheard. Misunderstood. Different. Trauma and abuse has a way of making you feel unworthy and invaluable. Adolescence is complicated by so many projections and unhealthy interactions for some that it becomes difficult to grow up and instead you grow out. For me, I grew out of some habits, behaviors, and relationships, but the difference between growing up and out is maturity.
Through triumphant talks with God, the greatest listener, I began building a relationship with Him through listening for His voice. This intimacy with Him matured my walk in Him and relationships with others. I began to hear God direct me to where it is a safe place for me to land with my emotions, mental state, and body language that often said what I was not using my voice to articulate. He showed me how to bear others burdens safely, with confidence, lend wisdom, and know when to let go so they can grow independently of me, but dependent on Him. I learned to listen. I learned to hear and not prepare my next statement to rush the conversation or diffuse uncomfortable silence. I learned the art of listening is an extension of grace not just for me, but for you too.